ADP – Annual Development Programme.
ADAB – Association Development Agencies in Bangladesh.
ADHUNIK – Amra Dhumpan Nibaron Kori.
AEC – Army Education Crops/ Atomic Energy Commission.
AFMI – Armed Forces Medical Institute.
AGM – Assistant General Manager.
AID – Agency for International Development.
APSU – All Party Student Union.
BADC – Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation.
BFDC – Bangladesh Film Development Corporation.
BSRS – Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha.
BAU – Bangabandhu Agriculture University.
BEPZA – Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority.
BOA – Bangladesh Olympic Association.
BPSC – Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
BRDB – Bangladesh Rural Development Board.
BRAC – Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee.
BPDB – Bangladesh Power Development Board.
BSB – Bangladesh Shilpa Bank.
BWDB – Bangladesh Water Development Board.
BNCC – Bangladesh National Cadet Coat.
BDR – Bangladesh Rifles.
BMA – Bangladesh Medical Association
BMA – Bangladesh Military Academy.
BCSIR – Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
BIISS – Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies.
BSSF - Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha.
BJMC - Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation.
B.T.B.C - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation.
BUET - Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
BIRDEM - Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation – in Diabetes Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders.
BRRI - Bangladesh Rice Research Institute.
BIWTA - Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority.
BARD - Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development.
BCS - Bangladesh Civil Service.
BRTC - Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation.
BAAS - Bangladesh Association of Advancement of Science.
BAFA - Bangladesh Bulbul Academy for Fine Arts.
BAIRA - Bangladesh Association of International Recruiting Agents.
BAEC - Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission.
BARC - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council.
BARI - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
BAS - Bangladesh Academy for Science.
BAU - Bangladesh Agricultural University.
BAARI - Bangladesh Atom Agriculture Research Institute.
BIT - Bangladesh Institute of Technology.
BCC - Bank of Credit and Commerce.
BCI - Bangladesh Commerce and Investment.
BCIC - Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation.
BCSS - Bangladesh Cable Shilpa Sangstha.
BDRCS - Bangladesh Red Crescent Society.
BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery.
BEA - Bangladesh Economic Association.
BNP - Bangladesh National Party.
BNPWF - Bangladesh Newspaper Press workers Federation.
BNSWC - Bangladesh National Social Welfare Council.
BSTI - Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute.
BSC - Bangladesh Shipping Corporation.
BCCFA - Bangladesh Custom Clearing and Forwarding Agent.
BASIC - Bank of Small Industries and Commerce.
BAF - Bangladesh Air Force.
BFUJ - Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists.
BIA - Bangladesh Institute of Agriculture.
BJMA - Bangladesh Jute Mills Association.
BODC - Bangladesh Oil Development Company.
BOGMC - Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation.
BJRI - Bangladesh Jute Research Institute.
BSFFC - Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation.
BRTA - Bangladesh Rural Telecommunication Authority.
BTWEA - Bangladesh Telecommunication Workers and Employees Association.
BWDB - Bangladesh Water Development Board.
BURO - Bangladesh Unemployment Rehabilitation Organization.
BCCB - Bangladesh Cricket Control Board.
BEPCB - Bangladesh Environment Pollution Control Board.
BFDC - Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation.
BFIDC - Bangladesh Forests Industries Development Corporation.
BFS - Bangladesh Fire Service.
BFA - Bangladesh Football Association.
BGMA - Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
BIIDS - Bangladesh Institute of International Development Studies.
BITAC - Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre.
BJEC - Bangladesh Jute Export Corporation.
BJA - Bangladesh Journalists Association.
BJTC - Bangladesh Jute Trading Corporation.
BKB - Bangladesh Krishi Bank.
BKSP - Bangladesh Krira Shikha Protistan.
BRC - Bangladesh River Commission.
BR - Bangladesh Railway.
BREB - Bangladesh Rural Electrification Board.
BTMC - Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation.
BTUC - Bangladesh Trade Union Centre.
BUTF - Bangladesh University Teachers Federation.
BAUCSU - Bangladesh Agriculture University Central Students Union.
BASC - Bangladesh Administrative Staff College.
BMDC - Bangladesh Management Development Centre.
BMTE - Bangladesh Machine Tools Factory.
BPATC - Bangladesh Public Administration.
BPC - Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation.
Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation.
Bangladesh Penal Code.
BPSC - Bangladesh Public Service Commission.
BPI - Bangladesh Press International.
BPWD - Bangladesh Public Works Department.
BSC - Bachelor of Science.
BSCIC - Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation.
BVDA - Bangladesh Village Development Academy.
BTRC - Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Commission.
CIDA – Canadian Int. Development Agency.
CIRDAP - Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and Pacific.
CMH - Combined Military Hospital.
CID - Criminal Investigation Department.
CNG - Compressed Natural Gas.
CA - Chartered Accountant.
CAA - Civil Aviation Authority.
CAB - Consumer’s Association of Bangladesh.
C&AG - Comptroller and Auditor General.
CEC - Chief Election Commissioner.
CEPZ - Chittagong Export Processing Zone.
CDF - Co-operative Development Fund.
CDB - Cotton Development Board.
CDL - Community Development Library.
CDA - Chittagong Development Authority.
C-in-c - Commander in Chief.
CDRB - Centre for Development Research of Bangladesh.
COTA - Civil Officers Training Academy.
CHTDB - Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board.
CHP - Community Health Programme.
CIF - Cost Insurance and Freight.
CNS - Centre for Nuclear Studies.
CCIF - Chief Controller of Imports and Exports.
CRE - Clean Report of Finding.
CSAC - Central Students Action Committee.
CUFFL - Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Factory Limited.
CUCSU - Chittagong University Central Students Union.
DUCSU - Dhaka University Central Student Union.
DMP - Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
DUTA - Dhaka University Teachers Association.
DESA - Dhaka Electrics Supply Authority.
DSE - Dhaka Stock Exchange.
DA - Daily Allowance.
Dearness Allowance.
DB - Detective Branch.
DC - Deputy Commissioner.
Deputy Chief. District Council.
DCC - Dhaka City Corporation.
DDDB - District Development Co-ordination Committee.
DDPI - Deputy Director of Public Instruction.
DMC - Dhaka Municipal Corporation/Dhaka Medical College.
DMP - Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
DFP - Department at Films and publications.
DEPZ - Dhaka Export Processing Zone.
DGCA - Director General of Civil Aviation.
DUJ - Dhaka Union of Journalists.
DIT - Dhaka Improvement Trust.
DMCTA - Dhaka Medical College Teachers Association.
DUTP - Dhaka Urban Transport Project.
DSTR - Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.
DMCH - Dhaka Medical College Hospital.
DNMI - Dhaka National Medical Institute.
DSP - Deputy Superintendent of Police.
DTE - Director of Technical Education.
DIG - Deputy Inspector General (of police).
EPR - Export Promotion Bureau.
EPZ - Export Processing Zone.
ENA - Easton News Agency.
ECNEC - Execution Committee of National Economic Council.
EPBB - Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh.
EPI - Expanded Programme on Immunization.
ERD - Economic Relation Division.
EBR - East Bengal Regiment.
EMS - Emergency Medical Service.
ERDA - Energy Research Development Agency.
FAP - Flood Action Plan.
FRES - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgery.
FBCCI - Federation of Bangladesh Chamber’s of Commerce and Industry.
FEMA - Fair Election Monitoring Alliance.
FWP - Food of Work Programme.
FDC - Film Development Corporation.
FRI - Foreign Research Institute.
FPAB - Family Planning Association of Bangladesh.
FAPE - Fund for Association to Private Education.
FEC - Foreign Exchange Certificates.
FIC - Flood Information Centre.
FRI - Forest Research Institute.